Future Tape is an experimental player for onchain media.
We index tracks & video on key platforms (Catalog, Sound, Nina, ZORA, Supercollector, Riff), and Ethereum smart contracts independently deployed by artists.
Since 2020, artists have been exploring new ways of releasing music using NFTs (unique tokens that reference audio files in their metadata) and IPFS (a distributed filesystem that permanently stores this media). Future Tape is a fun way to hear and learn more about these special sounds.
Thanks to @jstn for the design inspiration, ZORA API & Reservoir for ["the", "metadata"].
Future Tape is made by @fascinated and the Zora team.
Questions? → @future_tape.
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If you are an artist (or represent an artist) and would like us to remove media from our index, please contact us at [email protected] with details required in our policy.